
Friday, 14 May 2010

The career I fell in love.

Physical Therapy is one of the most beautiful professions to me. The main purpose of a physical therapist is to help to recover the function and mobility, to decrease the pain and to prevent possible risks. This way, the physical therapist improve the quality of life of the patient.

This profession has a lot of areas to specialize, such as traumatology, as respiratory, as neurology, as research, and others not as well known.

I expect to specialize in Neurophysiotherapy and to try to be one of the best, taking post graduate degree according my future interests.

I decided studying this career only to try, because I wanted medicine career (but my score wasn't enough). I hardly knew about physical therapy. But along the last year I learnt to love it.

Friday, 7 May 2010

The Neurophisiotherapy's parents

The Bobaths are a marriage and they formulated the "Therapy of neurodevelopment". This marriage is composed by Karel and Bertha Bobath.

Karel was born on 14th of march in 1906 in Berlín, he studied medicine and do his boards in Praga in 1936 and worked in a children's clinic in Czech Republic. In 1939 he had to flee from Nazi regime to London.

Bertha was born on 5th of December in 1907, initially she studied in the school of gymnastics and dance "Hanna Hermann". When she finished, she remained like instructor until 1933. She was to flee from Nazi regime to London too. There They met again (because they knew when they were teenagers) and they married. Bertha start to apply her innovative way to treat the cerebral spasticity with Simon Ewes, a painter.

Bertha from the clinical view and Karol from the neuroscience developed the Bobath concept to treat child and adults with neuromotor disorder. They taught and trained several professionals in this concept around the world.

Because of the impact they had to form the speciality of my profession, the neurophisiotherapy, that is what I want to work, I respect their legacy.

Such as they developed their life together as labor as personal, they passed away together on 20th of January in 1991.

Tarja & Me

Tarja & Me
Singer Tarja Turunen