
Friday, 18 June 2010


Better safe than sorry, we must to take care about our body to avoid to put it in risk.
A physical therapist see cases of respiratory disease and neuro-muscle-skeletal system and a part of his/her job is to educate to the patient about plans of prevention.

In respiratory area, to prevent infections, the most important action of prevention is to wash our hands, because we unconsciously take our hands to our mouth and nose (the channels of entry to our body). So we can to prevent another sickness too. The group of risk in that case are elderly people and unweaned babies, for which exist vaccine against flu virus. Winter is the station with more consultations caused by ARI.

In neuro-muscle-skeletal area we can find group of risk too, such us elderly people which have weak bones, atrophied muscles, wore out cartilages, and another pathologies related with the age, and sporty people which are more prone to get traumatic injuries. So elderly people have to take care about his/her physical state, doing moderate exercises and avoid sedentary behaviors, and sporty people have to use the corresponding equipment.
The factors of risk we must to avoid are diabetes (that causes bad reparation of tissues), gender (women are more prone to get osteoporosis), sedentary behaviors (that causes atrophy, osteopenia, and another alterations), hurts (we have to do and asepsis), alcohol, smoke of cigarettes and not to do an appropriate pre-warm up, between others.

Take care your body :)

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