Sometimes we have to face problems and not all of us respond in the same way. We are genetically programed to our body prepares itself to fight or flight, like any animal. The way that it prepares itself is stimulating the sympathetic nervous system wich increasing the heart and respiratory frequency, dilating pupil and bronquial tube, stimulating suprarenal glands and redistributing the blood to your limbs. This status was ideal when in the past we had to face with big animals or rival tribes but now it's another adaptation mechanism that bring us problem (like the obesity).
Each person has an threshold of stress, and can express or/and relieve it of varied ways. Today, the most common situations of stress are the job, the school, the public transport, unexpected situations, and any other that involve pressure. When those stimuli are constant (what often happen), it's added to the previously mentioned effects, such as headache, upset stomach, increase of acne, sexual dysfunction foul temper, muscular pain, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, inmunological derpression and psicological depression among other (this changes can be explained in part by cortisol hormone and its interactions). Complications like that produce a decrease in the labor efficiency and some companies have added anti-stress programs. It shows clearly why the stress have clinical relevance.
The farmacological treatment involve anxiolytics or tranquilizing like benzodiazepines.
On another hand, other treatment involve relaxation and respiratory techniques, cognitive-behavioral techniques, self-control techniques, electrical stimulation, acupuncture and massage.
Catharsis to me is the best way to relieve the stress, it can be shouting, hit a pillow, dancing, etc, only when don't affect your health or the health of another person.
Well, I hope you are not stressed.
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