
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Are there two brains?

More than once we have heard that a person are "left-brain" or right-brain" for her/his personality.
I want to clear that in fact our brain has two hemispheres, but they works linked through corpus callosum. It has been said that left-brain persons are rational, intellectual, logical, and have a good analytical sense and tend to be mathematicians, engineers, and researchers.
On the other hand, right-brain person are intuitive, emotional, imaginative, and easily find their way around and engage in the artistic and creative professions.

This idea was fed by the studies like Broca and Wernick studies (where it's said the left brain is related with comprehension and production of language), studies in split brains (where the corpus callosum was cut and the hemisphere were studies separately), Sperry et al studies (where it's discovered that the right-brain have importance in spatial vision, spatial orientation, recognizing familiar faces, and in the emotion of the language), and some school of though, without scientific evidence.

Also the tries of educationist to favor one or another hemisphere feed this idea; regardless that the two hemispheres work together, what has been shown in several studies.

I had heard this myth before, and I believed it because I had any idea of neurology and I think I was a left-brain person.
Now, I think it's clearly proven that even for simple task involve several areas of both hemispheres. We don't operate with separate functions, for example, when we hear a person talk about an emotional topic, we understand both the content and form; when we use the right hand we use information of both hemisphere to control the hand, see the object, predict our movement and think simultaneously.
Our brain is a powerful system that is capable to separate the information, to work it parallel, to process and to give a response, and we feel that like one thing.

I`m according with Dr. Maldonado: “If our brain were so simple that we could understand it, wewould be so simple that we couldn’t” – Pugh, 1977


  1. Hello Felipe!! very interesting your post about the myth: are there two brains? especially with this part: "Our brain is a powerful system that is capable to separate the information, to work it parallel", i agree with you

    take care

  2. really is very interesting read your post! The truth I had never heard about this myth, but I think if I had not read the Dr. Maldonado`s paper, I find it correct...

    Oh yes! Our brain is a powerful system!

  3. Yes!! our brain is a powerful system, and very complex. But is true that our left brain is verbal, for example in this place, there te lenguage area and our right brain is no-verbal is more artist.


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