
Thursday, 25 November 2010

The last theme: "The Bicentenary"

Good day my bloggers:
My generation has the privilege of living in a globalized and technological world that allow to get a lot of information about the past, what helps to rescue a part of the Chile’ history, I think. We know that our country has changed in several areas that involve politic, social, health, individual and even physical changes. Our common legacy has forced that we are today.

We have been witnesses more of a society change than a millennium or centenary change only.
In politic our contemporary are lived a transition from to be in a dictatorship to a democratic government. This landmark has brought with him political quarrel between the people. But it’s part to live in society, and in democracy it has to have variability and freedom to opine, and they are held up by laws and an informed people.
The above idea was importantly accompanied and influenced the concept of equity, which is reflected in an increasing number of people that accept women working, single parents, homosexual relations, different cultures, domestic violence, among others. All that is possible thanks a knowledge age with new technological development.
The technologic have allowed an evident advance in health area, decreasing the mortality, decreasing the mobility of some pathologies (because more diseases are included in GES, for example), increasing the life expectative and improving the possibility of treatment, among others. It’s interesting to mention that new pathologies have appeared in our contemporary age caused by our new way to live.
I mentioned that our country have had changes in individual and physical levels. I was referring specifically to the earthquake, the tsunami, and the event with the miners. I consider that they awake an important sense of patriotism and unity.

To conclude, I think the things always are changing and the Chilean society still have to improve, because the discrimination, the poverty, injustice and individualism are our obstacles to finish once and for all with the previous centenary.

I prefer to say "see you later".

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

I want to travel again!!!!

It's good to me leaving the daily routine, especially when I'm under stress. I take a travel like an opportunity to live new experiences, even if I have visited the place before. I like stay in home after the stressful university life, but when I recover I need to leave. Before a travel (espeacially when it's a new place that I'm going to visit) I get very anxious, even I usually don't sleep very well, but it doesn't matter.
The places that I prefer to visit are an environment which have contact with nature, because to see green spaces and hear the nature sounds relaxes me. I like the idea to travel across a forest, a hill, walking through the beach, to see the sunset, the clouds, hear the birds, the waves... they make me feel part of this world. Therefore, for that I try to avoid the crowd and the sounds of a city.
However, I don't reject the idea to visit a city. For example, I remember the time I went to Valparaíso with my friend, Mario. He was more exciting than me, because that time Queen Mary II, Minerva, Deutschland and Crystal Serenity (four enormous transatlantic ships) were coming and he loves that kind of things. The ships sets sail at evening, and we had arrived to Valparaíso very early, so we had time to tour around the city, before to see the ships disappear into the horizon. I had a real tourist guide at my side, so I knew big part of the city that day. Finally we saw the ships leave us.
The funniest part was when I tried to pass the photos to my computer, I don't know what happen, but all the photos were deleted. Those were the only proof that we were present that day in Valparaíso.
Well, it wasn't fun to Mario, he wanted to kill me. X_X (but we continue being best friends :D)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

A movie is like thelife or the life is like a movie?

I like watch movies, they transport me to another reality and make me feel that I'm in the film.
I think my character I like the adventure and fantasy film, where there is a different world, where strange creatures and powerful beings and magic kingdoms and heroes and amazing things can exist.
Those films I prefer watch them accompanied with a person who enjoy it as much as I. And if the films have good effects I prefer to see it in a cinema.
I also like films that make you think and it shows difficult problems that a person may face in some point in their life. Those films have to have content, they have to do that I wonder things that I didn't wonder before and maybe teach me new something.
In this category I have "The most difficult decision", "Life is beautiful", "The boy in the striped pajamas", "Babel" and "The pursuit of happiness" among others. It's common these films make cry to the people. I remember my mother cried with "Life is beautiful" and "The boy in the striped pajamas", I don't remember to have cried by any movie.
I hate the predictable ends, the movie has to surprise me even if it isn't correct that a fact happen, for example that the bad guys win.
Some chilean movies are good in my opinion, I hate when they show too much sex scenes (when the most of times are unnecesary). I like some chilean movies because show me a nearby reality and criticize the shown society, for example "Pedro Machuca" and "El Gringuito" or when the movie show simple daily aspects of our life, for example "El Regalo" and "La vida de los peces".
Obiously I love the funny movies, because they make me feel better. And I like the movies that have effects really good, even if they are poor in content., for example "2012".
The only movie I think it left a trace upon me was "Delicatessen" a french movie lively in a Post-apocalyptic France. It was so harsh. "Tony Manero" had a similar effect in me.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Are there two brains?

More than once we have heard that a person are "left-brain" or right-brain" for her/his personality.
I want to clear that in fact our brain has two hemispheres, but they works linked through corpus callosum. It has been said that left-brain persons are rational, intellectual, logical, and have a good analytical sense and tend to be mathematicians, engineers, and researchers.
On the other hand, right-brain person are intuitive, emotional, imaginative, and easily find their way around and engage in the artistic and creative professions.

This idea was fed by the studies like Broca and Wernick studies (where it's said the left brain is related with comprehension and production of language), studies in split brains (where the corpus callosum was cut and the hemisphere were studies separately), Sperry et al studies (where it's discovered that the right-brain have importance in spatial vision, spatial orientation, recognizing familiar faces, and in the emotion of the language), and some school of though, without scientific evidence.

Also the tries of educationist to favor one or another hemisphere feed this idea; regardless that the two hemispheres work together, what has been shown in several studies.

I had heard this myth before, and I believed it because I had any idea of neurology and I think I was a left-brain person.
Now, I think it's clearly proven that even for simple task involve several areas of both hemispheres. We don't operate with separate functions, for example, when we hear a person talk about an emotional topic, we understand both the content and form; when we use the right hand we use information of both hemisphere to control the hand, see the object, predict our movement and think simultaneously.
Our brain is a powerful system that is capable to separate the information, to work it parallel, to process and to give a response, and we feel that like one thing.

I`m according with Dr. Maldonado: “If our brain were so simple that we could understand it, wewould be so simple that we couldn’t” – Pugh, 1977

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Stop the world, please!!

Sometimes we have to face problems and not all of us respond in the same way. We are genetically programed to our body prepares itself to fight or flight, like any animal. The way that it prepares itself is stimulating the sympathetic nervous system wich increasing the heart and respiratory frequency, dilating pupil and bronquial tube, stimulating suprarenal glands and redistributing the blood to your limbs. This status was ideal when in the past we had to face with big animals or rival tribes but now it's another adaptation mechanism that bring us problem (like the obesity).

Each person has an threshold of stress, and can express or/and relieve it of varied ways. Today, the most common situations of stress are the job, the school, the public transport, unexpected situations, and any other that involve pressure. When those stimuli are constant (what often happen), it's added to the previously mentioned effects, such as headache, upset stomach, increase of acne, sexual dysfunction foul temper, muscular pain, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, inmunological derpression and psicological depression among other (this changes can be explained in part by cortisol hormone and its interactions). Complications like that produce a decrease in the labor efficiency and some companies have added anti-stress programs. It shows clearly why the stress have clinical relevance.

The farmacological treatment involve anxiolytics or tranquilizing like benzodiazepines.

On another hand, other treatment involve relaxation and respiratory techniques, cognitive-behavioral techniques, self-control techniques, electrical stimulation, acupuncture and massage.

Catharsis to me is the best way to relieve the stress, it can be shouting, hit a pillow, dancing, etc, only when don't affect your health or the health of another person.

Well, I hope you are not stressed.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy soul

These days we are surrounded by temptations that frequently lead us to bad habits. Bad habits may be defined like actions and behaviors that damage aour health in short or long term.

The most common bad habits for attraction and/or comfort are: to eat junk food frequently acompainied with soft drinks, to be sedentary, to smoke, to drink liqueurs, not wash your hands, among others. All these habits can produce us deseases such as hypertension, obesity, respiratory deseases (COPD), and predisposition to suffer traumatological deseases.

The way to prevent thoseproblems and to improve your healthy is, first avoid this habits and behaviors, and second to bring a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestayle involve have habits and beahviors that protect your body. They include: neither to smoke nor drink liqueurs, to do exercises and eat well.

It's proved that smoke and liqueurs lead to problems mainly in the liver, respiratory system and cardiovascular system mainly. They produce addction too and frequently they are consumed together.

There are several ways to do exercise. You can walk more or use a bike to move, change the time you use to watch TV for time to play with your family and to do axercises together, use stairs instead of mehanical stairs or elevator, become accustomed to execute a little rutine of exercises daily or every other day.

Finally, you have feed well, eating more fruits and vegetables in the breakfast, lunch and dinner; eating low fat, consuming foods lows in calories; and recall don't to eat in excess.

I hope you feel better.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

My favourite get-away

The first place that come to my mind when I hear the word get-away is Santa Cruz. It's a comuna located in southern of Peralillo, west of San Fernando, in the sixth region. In that place my best friend, Verónica, grew up. I knew Verónica in "Preuniversitario", since I know her family too, because she bring me to Santa Cruz that summer. Her family lives a country life. The house is in a place called I"Isla de Guindo", there, Aunt Noe is in charge of it. She have a special mood, but I think she like me now. The house is very large with a lot of rooms within and it's very old too (paranormal phenomena have occurred there according to my friend).
Every time my friend can, take me there, generally in winter or summer holidays. I love that place because it's far of everything that stresses me during the year. In that place I can rest and clean my lungs with pure air and I can fill my stomach with country food. There is a river near of the house and it's perfect for the hot days of the summer.
There Verónica knows every body and every places, because it's a little town. Generally, we go with our another friends and we tour the museum, the casino, the bakery (where the administrator love my friend a lot and sometimes give us cakes or ice creams) and in the night we play cards.
We have lived several experiences there and I hope to go again soon.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

This is the rhythm of my life...

Hiya bloggers, this time I'm going to write about the music, specially the music I like.

I acquiresd my pleasure from several sources. My parents are fourty four and fourty six, I mean they are of 80' decade, age in wich there were many up and coming bands and styles. Thank sto my dad I enjoy to listen Queen, Simply Red, and many others. I like the musical quality of that music. On the other hand, thanks to my mom, I listen the most popular romantics songs in Spanish, also known as "Música cebolla"of that age. I rescue the letter of that kind of music, although it's often corny.

I was born in the beginning of 90' therefore I like the music that sounds in that time, especially techno. I remember that my favorite radio was Carolina where the techno sounds all day with bands such as Corona, Vangaboys, Aqua and La Bouche. I still love dancing with that music at parties, also with older songs such us Donna Summer, Kc and the sunshine band and Kool and the Gang and newer electronic music. This music make me happy too.

I have gone acquiring tastes of music with the pass of the years and friendships too. I like dancing "merengue", "salsa" and " rock and roll" too, but only to dance.

Sometimes when I don't want to get bored, in the bus for example, I prefer to listen energetic music, rock music, and the bands I like are gothics, for example Nightwish and Epica (I like some techno Gothic bands too). But when I want to relax or concentrate me I listen classic music.

Sometimes I listen Play radio, they have very good music.

I prefer to avoid the reggaeton, the very very old music and very loud and guttural metal.

Friday, 2 July 2010

The End?

Writing a blog has been a interesting experience. I had the idea to write a blog before, but I didn't know about what topic to discuss and that activity in English class has taught me I can write and express any topic, any idea, "anything". This blog will become a little place of reflexions, expressions and catharsis.

Although I have to write in English I amused writing post and reading another post. The topics discussed have been simple, but they have been good to remember and learning words and clearing doubts up. The topics also has brought my career closer so I learnt a little more about Physical therapy and any terms related. It's important to me knowing the opinion of another persons about this topics too.

The advantages doing this blog have been learning to straighten my ideas and put them in a coherent way to express I really want to say, in English. I have learnt new terms too, and how ton use a blog. Its good to do the activity in class because I can ask my doubts to the professor directly and immediately.

The disadvantages have been, as the blog has to do in one class, sometimes it's more difficult to finish at time the blog, because the topic is very simple and there are so much words to write, or that day I wasn't in the mood to write and my mind was slow.

However, after that English class finished I'm going to follow writing in this blog, maybe not in English, but I want to follow writing (poems, short stories or simple thoughts) and expressing me.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

A little look at the future...

I trust I'm going to reach my expectations if I follow making an effort. So I see myself working and doing an post- degree in seven years. Later I'll travel and probably I'll be working in Canada or Australia, I love that idea because I always have wanted to live abroad, and after of many years to come back to Chile. I'll be practicing Neuro-phycal therapy and I'll be living in a flat with Ganiel, my friend, who are going to accompany me while he practice Occupational therapy.We have talked about that idea before. Probably we'll be working in the same hospital and I think we could earn a good salary and we would save money up for our future project. We'll be living abroad for many years and we'll come back to Chile later.
We'll stablish a rehabilitation center here and we'll apply a multidiciplinary work and we'll use the experience we earned abroad. I will probably have family in those days. I'll follow working and specializing me. That place would be the designed by my friend Mario who will be an great architect. It will be a differnt place compared with traditional rehabilitation centers, with green areas, spacious and lit with natural ligth. We will use alternative medicine too. I'd like in that this place would have a friendly and comradeship between the staff working there.
I hope my dreams are fulfilled, different things can happen in the future and even my dreams can change and the only thing I can do it's to try to achieve it.

PD: C'mon Chile!!

Friday, 18 June 2010


Better safe than sorry, we must to take care about our body to avoid to put it in risk.
A physical therapist see cases of respiratory disease and neuro-muscle-skeletal system and a part of his/her job is to educate to the patient about plans of prevention.

In respiratory area, to prevent infections, the most important action of prevention is to wash our hands, because we unconsciously take our hands to our mouth and nose (the channels of entry to our body). So we can to prevent another sickness too. The group of risk in that case are elderly people and unweaned babies, for which exist vaccine against flu virus. Winter is the station with more consultations caused by ARI.

In neuro-muscle-skeletal area we can find group of risk too, such us elderly people which have weak bones, atrophied muscles, wore out cartilages, and another pathologies related with the age, and sporty people which are more prone to get traumatic injuries. So elderly people have to take care about his/her physical state, doing moderate exercises and avoid sedentary behaviors, and sporty people have to use the corresponding equipment.
The factors of risk we must to avoid are diabetes (that causes bad reparation of tissues), gender (women are more prone to get osteoporosis), sedentary behaviors (that causes atrophy, osteopenia, and another alterations), hurts (we have to do and asepsis), alcohol, smoke of cigarettes and not to do an appropriate pre-warm up, between others.

Take care your body :)

Friday, 11 June 2010

Eva and Adan today

It's evident the physical and psychological differences between men and women, caused by genes, hormones and fisio-biological cycles. Biologically a woman has been born to be mother and a man due his physical condition has been born to be a supplier. They form a couple. That roles are been kept for centuries, the woman like mother staying in the house with the children and the man like supplier working and bring sustenance, being the boss. Anyway in sexual act a woman is conditioned to receive and a man is conditioned to give, giving them passive and active roles.

However, the society continuously is changing by new knowledge, education, culture, technology, needs, etc., I mean, a change of paradigm.

Today, in our society, a woman don´t born to be a mother and a man a supplier, she and he have had to combine rolls. It´s common seeing single mothers, workers women and women bosses, women with voice and decision. The women have won roles which belonged to men before and men have lost power over her. It attracts the attention that while the women win field in masculine areas, men cannot do the same without being prejudice victims.

As we live in a diverse world, the different cultures defines the roles that correspond to woman a man, so we must be understanding and tolerants, thus we can live harmoniously.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Full paunch, happy heart...

Some people felt guilty when they eat food that commonly are considered unhealthy food. In my case, I don't have that remorse, because I belong to that damned race (according to a friend's mom) that can eat all they want and not gain weight.

I have most preference for desserts and sweet food. I love all types of cakes and I cann't decide my favorite. I learnt time ago to make lemon pie, I love it so much, so I make it every time a can.

I like so much candies, chocolates, honey, fruits, cakes, cookies, etc. Sometimes, I think I'll probably obtein diabetes, when I am old man, so I try to curb me.

However, I love salt food too, and my favourites are home-made food, especially the food that my granny prepare, such us "sopaipillas", tortillas, pasties, stews, and the best of all: "porotos granados". Oh! I got hungry, ñam, ñam.

Sometimes, my friends and me go to "Patio Centro" to eat. That place is frecuently our meet point. There we buy fast food, we eat often in Doggis about 4 super large chips boxes to 5 persons.

I have to admit I eat a lot, but I cann't support to eat so much fat, because it produced me nausea. I like to eat, and I try that is natural, because I am conscious artificial food is very damaging to my body because can produce severe pathologies, like cancer.

Friday, 14 May 2010

The career I fell in love.

Physical Therapy is one of the most beautiful professions to me. The main purpose of a physical therapist is to help to recover the function and mobility, to decrease the pain and to prevent possible risks. This way, the physical therapist improve the quality of life of the patient.

This profession has a lot of areas to specialize, such as traumatology, as respiratory, as neurology, as research, and others not as well known.

I expect to specialize in Neurophysiotherapy and to try to be one of the best, taking post graduate degree according my future interests.

I decided studying this career only to try, because I wanted medicine career (but my score wasn't enough). I hardly knew about physical therapy. But along the last year I learnt to love it.

Friday, 7 May 2010

The Neurophisiotherapy's parents

The Bobaths are a marriage and they formulated the "Therapy of neurodevelopment". This marriage is composed by Karel and Bertha Bobath.

Karel was born on 14th of march in 1906 in Berlín, he studied medicine and do his boards in Praga in 1936 and worked in a children's clinic in Czech Republic. In 1939 he had to flee from Nazi regime to London.

Bertha was born on 5th of December in 1907, initially she studied in the school of gymnastics and dance "Hanna Hermann". When she finished, she remained like instructor until 1933. She was to flee from Nazi regime to London too. There They met again (because they knew when they were teenagers) and they married. Bertha start to apply her innovative way to treat the cerebral spasticity with Simon Ewes, a painter.

Bertha from the clinical view and Karol from the neuroscience developed the Bobath concept to treat child and adults with neuromotor disorder. They taught and trained several professionals in this concept around the world.

Because of the impact they had to form the speciality of my profession, the neurophisiotherapy, that is what I want to work, I respect their legacy.

Such as they developed their life together as labor as personal, they passed away together on 20th of January in 1991.

Friday, 30 April 2010

My Hobbies

Hiya, for knowing us more I'm going to write about the things I use to do. In first time I love to listen music, to me it's like disconnecting from the world. I use to listen music when I'm on metro or on bus to avoid the annoying noise. In my house I download music and look for their lyrics. I have a karaoke program to sing my favourite songs. The music that I love are Sarah Brightman songs (in first place, her voice relax me), Queen, Cranberries, Linkin Park, Tarja Turunen, 80's music, pop, a few "onion songs" in Spanish, and a lot of another actual and not so actual songs. The radio that I listen (sometimes because I don't listen so much radio) is Play. In my free time I like to read books. I've read classic literature for lately to tackle more modern writers.

Suddenly I have a sort of "art attack" and I draw especially with pastel pencil, I love the versatility of that material. I also write poems and shorts story, the inspiration come and I need to transfer to paper or computer, I'd past long time writing and a rare feeling fulfill me.

I meet my friends once a week else. We go out to mall, center, parks or we meet in a house of one of us and watch movies and eat pizza. Sometimes we go out for parties.

However, sometimes I arrive so tired to my house than I only want to sleep.

Friday, 23 April 2010

The day the Earth Moved

The night of the 27Th February, as I remember, I was just in time to go to bed when I felt an earth tremor. As it was more durable than a normal earth tremor, I had a feeling that it could become worse. I quickly went down the stairs and opened the main door, recalling that my mother told me the door hold shut with earthquakes. At once, I ran to the electric meter to switch it off to prevent a fire. When I went to see the rest of my family the earthquake became more intense, so I clang a pillar. I was half dazed for the severe movements and the twinkles in the sky. Later the intensity of the earthquake began to decline. When it stopped I went to meet with my family. Fortunately all were well. The house was well too, we only lost glasses.
The subsequent days we had water, but didn't had electricity. The fifth day we recover the electricity.

PD: The penultimate night without light I crashed against a large window T_T. Now I have scars above my right eye, my left leg and my bottom XD. But I'm well : ).

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Head, heart and stomach

When will the heart beats it goes to sleep dutifully and mind takes his place, the will becames cold and the eyes can't hide the heart that convulsed by cooling and pain of the wound by the same cold that is intact, recalling to mind what happens when you give free rein to the heart.
The outside looks like arrows about to be released and mind in turn controlled by fear armors heart every moment fearing a sneak attack.
And the body accumulates as ancient brush the different colors that were used to disguise the loneliness that escapes from every facial expression and the latter to be the hair of the brush, is bristling at the same loneliness.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Hiya World, I'm Felipe and I'm new at this. I'm studying physical therapy in Universidad de Chile, and this page is made to english class. My objetive in my life is to be an excellent neuro-physical terapist and one day with my friend that is studying ocupational therapist to open a rehabilitation center up. I hope this blog is useful to me to learn english and unburden myself. Now my blog is poor but I expect to improve it.

Tarja & Me

Tarja & Me
Singer Tarja Turunen